Sunday 24 July 2011

the idea

isn't everybody sometimes dreaming of just getting away?

the great escape....

To be honest, I don't really remember, when I personally started dreaming of getting away, travelling, seeing the world; I don't remember, since when I am infected with this dream...
I have the impression, that this idea has always been there, somewhere in my mind, having his own little cosy place.

And as I was always busy studying, working, travelling a bit through Europe, the idea stayed in his place, settled there, stayed cosy, didn't move; finally maybe even fell asleep.

I might not remember, since when I am infected with this small and unclear dream, but I definitely do remember, that it came to the surface of my mind and got more concrete around half a year ago, when the end of my studies came close to grasp. And since that moment, when this idea moved from it's cosy place, I started not only dreaming about it, but seriously considering turning it into reality:

I started thinking about where I actually wanted to go, which route to take, about how to put this idea into reality. I surfed the internet, read various blogs, chatted with friends who had been travelling, went to travel agencies. And with the time, this idea got more and more concrete. However, there was still the actual decision to take...

I can't say anymore, what made me finally taking the decision of realising this dream, but to be honest, it was not the hardest decision to take ;)
I guess it was simply the fact, that after finishing my studies nothing was arguing against doing it. Unromantic, but true :)

As I write these words now, I am still in Vienna, 3 weeks before I will finally leave the country. Since my decision of making this trip and today I was mainly occupied with the organisation of the trip. After deciding, I didn't really think that much about what the trip actually means to me:

This dream is not only about seeing the world and travelling.
A not unimportant part of this personal little dream is about getting away. Yes, I do admit, that this trip is an escape and a search at the same time: An escape from the big question of what I want to do in my life. It is also about getting light and leaving behind. And eventually this trip is also a journey - sorry for being pathetic - to find myself.

The little prince, my Schutzengelmaus and the following song will always accompany me: Baz Luhrmann - Sunscreen (Baz Luhrmann - Sunscreen)


about myself

My name is Silke. I am now (well, in two days) 27 years old. Even though I grew up in a tiny little village in the West of Austria I would consider Vienna to be my home, as I live there since I started studying. After these 8 years of studies, a few longer and shorter trips within Europe, I needed to see something new and leave my cosy life here in Vienna behind me - at least for a little while...
Direction: eastwards - or could you have imagined a trip around the world without taking the transiberian?!

(Photo: Oliver Neunteufel)

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